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The Right-Hand Man

by K. M. Peyton

Ned Rowlands--twenty, red-haired and impudent--is the fastest stagecoach driver on the Harwich road. His reckless driving--as full of dash as he is--attracts the attention of young Lord Ironminster who had been, before an accident which cost him an arm, the best dragsman in England. Ironminster is determined to win a racing wager against his cousins James and Rupert Saville and so greatly needs Ned's help. Ned enters a strange partnership which involves his emotions as well as his talents; for he soon realizes that far more is at stake than a mere wager: Ironminster is a sick man and must marry and produce an heir if his estate is not to pass to James Saville. As Ironminster's right-hand man, Ned is to play an important part in helping his master to outwit his cousins - a more dangerous role than that of the driver of a four-in-hand. Mrs Peyton has brought the world 1818-19 vividly to life. In describing the elegance and glamour of the Georgian period, she never loses sight of its brutality, its social injustices and its squalor. Her story is packed with action, colour and period detail and is as readable as the earlier books which won her her well- deserved reputation as 'an outstandingly interesting and original writer of novels for teenage readers.'

Welcome To Junior High (Girl Talk #1)

by L. E. Blair

It's the beginning of an unforgettable year Seventh grade has just started and already Sabrina Wells has got troubles! She's made an enemy of the principal's daughter, Stacy the Great, met the boy of her dreams, and been put in charge of the Homecoming Dance decorating committee. Will Sabrina manage to keep Stacy off her back, fall in love, and get shy Allison, preppie Katie, and Randy, the hip new girl from New York, to agree on a theme for the dance?

Face Off (Girl Talk #2)

by L. E. Blair

Will Katie make the boys' ice hockey team? When conservative Katie Campbell decides to quit the flag squad and try out for the boys' ice hockey team, everyone is shocked! Katie's friends, Sabrina, Randy, and Allison, tell her to go for it. But Katie's mother and her sister, Emily, totally disapprove. Plus, Stacy the Great, head of the in-group, and Scottie Silver, the gorgeous captain of the hockey team, are giving Katie a very hard time. But there's no stopping Katie - except for the fact that she kind of has a crush on Scottie

The New You (Girl Talk #3)

by L. E. Blair

There's a new Allison- But is there a new and nicer Stacy? Shy Allison Cloud can't believe what's happening to her. When Belle Magazine holds a fashion makeover, they pick Allison to model for an upcoming issue! Unfortunately, they also choose Stacy the Great. That's when Allison's world suddenly turns upside down.

Rebel, Rebel (Girl Talk #4)

by L. E. Blair

What should Randy do? Randy Zak and her mother had a deal - one year in Acorn Falls and it's back to New York. Now her mother wants to stay and Randy doesn't know what she wants to do. Will a visit from her best New York friend, Sheck (who's also the cutest guy Katie, Sabs, and Allison have ever seen), help Randy make up her mind?

The Ghost of Eagle Mountain (Girl Talk #6)

by L. E. Blair

Is there really a ghost on Eagle Mountain? Allison, Randy, Katie, and Sabrina are looking forward to the seventh- grade ski trip to Eagle Mountain. But when strange things start to happen, Allison's convinced that a spirit is trying to contact them!

Odd Couple (Girl Talk #7)

by L. E. Blair

Not eggs-actly friends... Straight-A student and Student Council member Mark Wright and super-hip Randy Zak don't exactly see eye to eye. But when a school project makes them "parents" of an egg, Randy and Mark discover that they have much more in common than they thought.

Stealing The Show (Girl Talk #8)

by L. E. Blair

Sabrina was meant to be a star! Bradley Junior High is putting on a production of the musical Grease and Sabrina's convinced that she would be perfect in the lead part of Sandy- trouble is, Stacy the Great is out for the same starring role!

Peer Pressure (Girl Talk #9)

by L. E. Blair

Is Katie skating on thin ice? Katie can't believe that she's been chosen for the Acorn Falls Winter Carnival synchronized skating team. She also can't believe that Stacy the great and her best friend, Laurel Spencer, have been chosen too!

Falling In Like (Girl Talk #10)

by L. E. Blair

Can you like a boy and yet not like him at the same time? Allison's not too happy about having to tutor the class troublemaker, Billy Dixon. But soon she discovers that you can't always judge a book by its cover.

Mixed Feelings (Girl Talk #11)

by L. E. Blair

What do you do when you and your best friend like the same boy? When a gorgeous Canadian boy moves to Acorn Falls and joins the Bradley Junior High hockey team, life suddenly turns pretty interesting for Katie Campbell-especially when she discovers that her best friend, Sabrina, has a crush on the new boy.

Drummer Girl (Girl Talk #12)

by L. E. Blair

Randy's used to drumming solo. Is she ready to join an all-boys' band? When Bradley Junior High announces its annual Battle of the Bands, Randy decides to stop drumming solo and join the coolest band in town - Iron Wombat. Sparks start to fly, however, when Randy and the gorgeous lead singer, Troy Tanner, can't see eye-to-eye!

The Winning Team (Girl Talk #13)

by L. E. Blair

Sabrina is running against Stacy for class president, and she's going to need all the help she can get! Stacy and Sabrina are running for class president. Everyone's sure that Stacy is going to win-after all, she is very popular (and the principal's daughter), but Sabrina is not about to give up-and neither is her twin brother, Sam!

Earth Alert! (Girl Talk #14)

by L. E. Blair

The earth is in trouble, but we can save it! Kids at Bradley Junior High can make a difference. Kids all over the world can make a difference!" --says Allison Cloud, speaking at the Earth Alert Fair. When Allison is elected chairperson of the seventh-grade Earth Alert Fair, she's determined to get the kids at Bradley Junior High concerned about the earth. But things almost turn into a disaster when Stacy the Great decides that she wants to run the fair--her way! Stacy spends the money for the fair on a roller coaster and ferris wheel which are energy hogs. Will anyone want to come to the fair Allison and her friends have planned with Native American games and natural foods? And there's something else on Allison's mind. The new kid from California flirts with her and asks her on a date and Billy, the kid she really likes, isn't speaking to her. Find out what goes on in seventh grade. Look for the other Girl Talk books in the Bookshare collection.

On the Air (Girl Talk #15)

by L. E. Blair

Can Randy handle being the star of her own radio show? One of Randy's dreams comes true when her friend Spike asks her to help him out at the senior high school radio station. Then one day Spike lets Randy go on the air, and she becomes an overnight sensation. Trouble is, Randy's not so sure that all the attention is such a great thing!

Here Comes the Bride (Girl Talk #16)

by L. E. Blair

There's going to be a wedding in Acorn Falls and you are invited! Just as Katie is getting used to the fact that her mom is dating again, her mother makes a major announcement—she's getting remarried. And to top it off, Katie and her sister, Emily, are not only going to have a stepfather, but a stepbrother, too!

Star Quality (Girl Talk #17)

by L. E. Blair

What happens when a TV game show comes to Acorn Falls? It's one hilarious situation after another when Sabrina's favorite television program, a lip-synching game show, comes to Acorn Falls. Sabrina and her friends are ready to do anything--even try out against Stacy the Great and her group--for a chance to be on TV!

Keeping the Beat (Girl Talk #18)

by L. E. Blair

Are Randy and her band ready to go to the top of the charts? Randy and her band, Iron Wombat, are on top of the world after they win the battle of the bands contest. But when a slick record agent hires them to play at a surprise birthday party, Randy's not so sure Iron Wombat is ready for stardom. Read the other books about life in seventh grade with the friends Sabrina, Katie, Allison and Randy in the Girl Talk series including #1 Welcome to Junior High, #2 Face off!, #3 The New You, #4 Rebel, Rebel, #5 It's all in the Stars, #6 The Ghost of Eagle Mountain, #7 Odd Couple, #8 Stealing the Show, #9 Peer Pressure, #10 Falling in Like, #11 Mixed Feelings, #12 Drummer Girl, #13 The Winning Team, #14 Earth Alert!, #15 On The Air, #16 Here Comes The Bride, #17 Star Quality, and #19 Family Affair.

Family Affair (Girl Talk #19)

by L. E. Blair

Katie can't believe it! The family's moving into a real mansion. Katie's mom and stepfather return from their honeymoon, and Jean-Paul Beauvais and his son, Michel, move in with the Campbells. Just when Katie is beginning to feel that the house is a bit crowded, her mother and stepfather announce that they've just bought a bigger house--well, it's actually the biggest mansion in Acorn Falls!

Rockin' Class Trip (Girl Talk #20)

by L. E. Blair

This class trip is going to rock n' roll! The seventh-grade class is totally psyched for their upcoming trip. It's first-class all the way, including a fancy hotel, great restaurants, a theater play--and a chance for Sabrina, Randy, Allison, and Katie to meet the rock star of their dreams!

Baby Talk (Girl Talk #21)

by L. E. Blair

Is Allison ready for a new member of the family? What about two new members, and that doesn't mean twin babies! First she has some things to work out. She gets along with her active little brother, but the closer the baby comes to being born, the more she has to baby-sit. She isn't getting enough time with her friends or time to herself. It's always about the baby and Allison feels she's almost become invisible. There are other changes, too. She is going to have to give up the room she grew up in, the one with the wonderful window seat, for the baby. A new room is being built for her, but when will it be finished and what will it look like? It's a good thing she has her friends who are full of new ideas for parties, sleep-overs and for facing her problems. They help Allison get through the changes until she learns that her parents understand her better than she thought and that they have some surprises of their own in store for her.

Problem Dad (Girl Talk #22)

by L. E. Blair

Randy's father is here from New York City! When Randy's father comes to film a commercial near Acorn Falls, Randy can't wait to introduce him to her friends. But Randy soon discovers that she's got a lot to learn about her father and her friends.

House Party (Girl Talk #23)

by L. E. Blair

How could one little party get so out of control? When Katie's mother and stepfather go out of town for the weekend, everything starts to go wrong. For one thing, Katie's stepbrother, Michel, doesn't listen to her and invites half of Bradley Junior High School over for a party. But that's not all. The party gets out of control when Scottie Silver goes into a jealous rage over Katie!

Cousins (Girl Talk #24)

by L. E. Blair

[From the back cover:] "Things aren't always what they appear to be--sometimes they're better! Sabrina is totally excited when she finds out that her cousin, Zoe (pronounced ZOH-ee), whom she has never met, is coming to stay with the Wells family for a while. Sabrina is especially thrilled because her cousin has grown up in Europe and even done some modeling! But when Zoe arrives in Acorn Falls, she surprises everyone, including the Wells family, Stacy the Great, and even Sabrina!" Once you meet Sabrina, Katie, Randy and Allison, the four friends in the Girl Talk series, you won't want to miss any of their many adventures, laughs, and problems with family, boys, school, each other and growing up. Look in the Bookshare collection for over 25 more books in this series.

Horse Fever (Girl Talk #25)

by L. E. Blair

What do you do when the most beautiful horse in the world scares you to death? When Randy and her friends decide to take riding lessons, Randy's determined not to let a secret from her riding days in New York City ruin her fun. But can Randy manage to overcome her past for the love of a horse?

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