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Cinepoetry: Imaginary Cinemas in French Poetry (Verbal Arts: Studies in Poetics) 6416869 null Christophe Wall-Romana 9780823245505 2012 Contains images
Tell Me (American Poets Continuum) 6416868 null Kim Addonizio 9781938160417 2000 Contains images
Not for Specialists: New and Selected Poems (American Poets Continuum) 6416866 null W.D. Snodgrass 9781938160707 2006 Contains images
The Education of a Poker Player 6416865 null James McManus 9781938160868 2015 Contains images
Smugglers 6416864 null Ales Debeljak 9781938160684 2015 Contains images
Ennui Prophet (American Poets Continuum #127) 6416863 null Christopher Kennedy 9781934414781 2011 Contains images
And: Life And Loathing In Greater Israel (American Poets Continuum) 6416862 null Michael Blumenthal 9781942683254 2009 Contains images
All You Ask For is Longing: New and Selected Poems (American Poets Continuum) 6416861 null Sean Thomas Dougherty 9781938160318 2014 Contains images
Copia 6416860 null Erika Meitner 9781938160479 2014 Contains images
Seasons of Lotus, Seasons of Bone (American Poets Continuum) 6416859 null Matthew Shenoda 9781938160950 2009 Contains images
Ethnology and Empire: Languages, Literature, and the Making of the North American Borderlands (America and the Long 19th Century #6) 6416858 null Robert Lawrence Gunn 9781479872411 2015 Contains images
When Gay People Get Married: What Happens When Societies Legalize Same-Sex Marriage 6416857 null M. V. Badgett 9780814791400 2009 Contains images
New York Murder Mystery: The True Story Behind the Crime Crash of the 1990s 6416856 null Andrew Karmen 9780814763728 2006 Contains images
Constructing Black Selves: Caribbean American Narratives and the Second Generation (Nation of Nations #31) 6416855 null Lisa Diane McGill 9780814771235 2005 Contains images
Show Sold Separately: Promos, Spoilers, and Other Media Paratexts 6416854 null Jonathan Gray 9780814732342 2010 Contains images
Punishment in Popular Culture (The Charles Hamilton Houston Institute Series on Race and Justice #4) 6416853 Charles J. Ogletree Jr. Austin Sarat 9781479864218 2015 Contains images
Loyalty: NOMOS LIV (NOMOS - American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy #14) 6416852 Sanford Levinson Joel Parker Paul Woodruff 9780814737897 2013 Contains images
Dance Hall Days: Intimacy and Leisure Among Working-Class Immigrants in the United States 6416851 null Randy McBee 9780814761199 2000 Contains images
Women, Love, and Power: Literary and Psychoanalytic Perspectives 6416850 null Elaine Baruch 9780814786093 1991 Contains images
The Counter-Revolution of 1776: Slave Resistance and the Origins of the United States of America 6416849 null Gerald Horne 9781479808724 2014 Contains images
Let Them Rot: Antigone’s Parallax (Idiom: Inventing Writing Theory) 6416840 null Alenka Zupančič 9781531501051 2023
Inventing the Language to Tell It: Robinson Jeffers and the Biology of Consciousness 6416839 null George Hart 9780823254903 2013
Beyond Violence: Religious Sources of Social Transformation in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (Abrahamic Dialogues) 6416838 James L. Heft 9780823223350 2004
Creolizing Political Theory: Reading Rousseau through Fanon (Just Ideas) 6416837 null Jane Anna Gordon 9780823254835 2014
Hijras, Lovers, Brothers: Surviving Sex and Poverty in Rural India (Thinking from Elsewhere) 6416836 null Vaibhav Saria 9780823294725 2021 Contains images

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