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New How-To Guides and Videos

Check out the latest How-To Guides and videos about Bookshare. These guides provide step-by-step instructions along with screenshots to help guide members through a variety of key Bookshare processes such as adding members and sponsors, using Bookshare Web Reader, creating reading lists, and more. Share these guides with your colleagues, students, and parents.

Lights, Camera, Action! ABT Testimonial Videos

Student with Dyslexia Discovers What It's Like to Read: Emery's Story (Transcript)

Emery is a 6th grade student with dyslexia. She thought she would never learn how to read. Emery would get angry at herself because she could not understand the words she was reading or read like other kids. In this touching video, hear the before and after of Emery’s reading experience, as well as the thoughts and insights of her parents.

Bookshare Helps Student Become Lifelong Reader (Transcript)

This video features Lexi, a young woman with a visual impairment, just days before starting her freshman year in college at Texas Tech University. Lexi started using Bookshare in middle school and was soon reading above grade level. She loves how she can read Bookshare books anywhere! Lexi's advice to other students is to set goals and know you can do whatever anyone else can do with supports such as Bookshare! 

Read Your Way with Bookshare (Transcript)

This one-minute video hits all the key points about Bookshare!

Bookshare Removes Reading Barriers

Hear from several students how Bookshare is helping them succeed in school and in life.

Bookshare Helps A&M Student Dream Big (Transcript)

Get to know an inspiring student named Colton Luton. Colton has dyslexia and depends on Bookshare and his iPad to keep up with his demanding class load. Seeing the words and hearing them at the same time enhances his learning process and comprehension, cutting his reading time in half. Colton encourages all students to “dream big and stick it out. Have inner energy to get things done. It will pay off.” Colton graduated from Thrall High School, the setting of another Bookshare/ABT video titled “As They See It: Technology for Students with Learning Disabilities.”

For UTSA Student, Books and Bookshare Are Keys to Future (Transcript)

Amber Steet, a junior at the University of Texas, San Antonio, is nothing if not ambitious! She is working toward a degree in Multidisciplinary Studies and majoring in Education, Anthropology, and an Honors Program. She plans to become a teacher of the visually impaired. She became a Bookshare member in ninth grade and devours books. She stays on top of her schoolwork with Bookshare as well as her Braille Note, and she also enjoys science fiction by authors such as James Marrs and Michael Crichton. To visually impaired students who are considering college, Amber says, “Apply early, know where you want to go and what you want to study, and go for it!”

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